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Studies in Law – No. 1 (18), 2016

From the Editors .....2

Articles and Studies
Louis Garb
Advocate, Jerusalem, Israel
Time for Uniformity in Inheritance Laws? Survey and Debate .....5

Mariusz Załucki
Professor, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Protection of Family Against Testamentary Dispositions in English Law. Recent Case of Ilott v. Mitson: On the Road to a Regime of Forced Heirship? .....27

Yevhen Kharytonov
Professor, National University “Odessa Law Academy”
Olena Kharytonova
Professor, National University “Odessa Law Academy”
Adaptation of Law of Ukraine to the EU Law in the Context of European Traditions of Private Law .....39

Adam Doliwa
Professor, University of Białystok
Notes on the legal capacity of homeowner associations (in the light of the judgement of the Supreme Court of Poland of 26 June 2015, I CSK 312/14) [in polish] .....51

Anna Golonka
Professor, University of Rzeszów
Cybercrime – international standards in combating this phenomenon and the Polish penal regulation [in polish] .....63

Jarosław R. Antoniuk
PhD, Silesian University of Technology, judge, Chorzów District Court
The obligation of the municipalities to provide social housing [in polish] .....85

Paweł Mazur
MA, University of Warsaw
The responsibility of shareholders for the liabilities in an association of capital in English corporate law – realities and current tendencies [in polish] .....101

Katarzyna Dziewulska
Doctoral Student, Opole University
Fraudulent transfer and the defence of legal debt claim [in polish] .....117

Paulina Wilhelmina Konarska
MA, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
The post mortem taking and transplant of organs, tissues and cells in Asia: the case of Singapore and India – selected aspects [in polish] .....141

Marta Rzadkowska
Doctoral Student, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Risk factors and prevention of suicidal behaviour in children and adolescents [in polish] .....161

Katarzyna Zawiślan
Doctoral Student, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, applicant attorney
Dorota Polak-Hawranek
Doctoral Student, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, prosecutor, District Prosecutor Office, Krakow
Łukasz Chechelski
Doctoral Student, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
The issue of the so-called petty crime [in polish] .....181

Anna Juryk
PhD, Pedagogical University of Kraków
Dariusz Michta
PhD, advocate
Changes in the ruling dismissing a request in non-trial proceedings. Comments on the ruling of the Supreme Court of Poland of 15 September 2011, Case Number II CSK 718/10 [in polish] .....197

Rafał Bernat
Doctoral Student, Kozminski University
A gloss to the judgement of the Supreme Administrative Court of 29 October 2015, II FSK 2274/13 [in polish] .....207

Damian Synowiec
Doctoral Student, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Jurisdiction of the court in proceedings brought by a third party – commentary to the judgement of the Court (Fourth Chamber), date 21st of January 2016, ref. No. C-521/14 [in polish] .....217

Angelika Gajek
Doctoral Student, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Financial compensation for the parents of a child which was stillborn as a result of a an offence committed when the child was in the pre-natal phase (art 446, section 4 of the Civil Code) – an explanation of the judgement of the Supreme Court of Poland of 13 May 2015, case number III CSK 286/14 [in polish] .....225

Book Reviews, Reports, Varia
Anna Lyszczyna
Doctoral Student, Opole University
50 lat kodeksu cywilnego. Perspektywy rekodyfikacji, red. P. Stec, M. Załucki [Wydawnictwo LEX a Wolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa 2015] [in polish] .....235

Mateusz Tusiński
Doctoral Student, Opole University
Dobra osobiste, red. I. Lewandowska-Malec [Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2014] [in polish] .....239

Monika Augustyniak
PhD, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Marcin Pieniążek
PhD, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
“Quality of the Polish legal system” within XVI Academic Conference “State - Economy – Society” [in polish] .....245

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